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On-site Services
Global Translation on-site service
Global Translation on-site service is based on the on-site translation service needs of clients. After testing and selecting suitable translators and conducting the required training, translators are dispatched to the work site. Translators work according to the client's specific location and job duty requirements, providing written translation and/or interpretation.
Service Types:
—International dispatching of on-site translators (written translators/interpreters)
—Domestic dispatching of on-site translators (written translators/interpreters)
—Short and medium term liaison translators: daily life accompany, business visits and liaisons, technical/work liaisons
Service Contents
—Standardized Selection Assessment for Translators

Pre-Assignment Training for Selected Translators

Emergency Translator Substitution
After being dispatched onsite, if circumstances occur that render a translator unable to fulfill his/her duty quality (e.g., sickness or emergencies, force majure), Global Translation will provide a list of replacement translators within one to ten working days depending on the location of the project. After the client conducts independent evaluation and assessment, translators are re-dispatched to the work site.
Creation of Value